Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lightening Bugs are FIREWORKS

It’s been a while since my last post, and this seemed like the perfect time to get back into the groove. It seems like the last few months have flown by: I got engaged, the school year ended, went to Chicago and soon I will be going to Maryland and Southern Arizona.

It almost seems fitting that my latest card is celebrating our great country; now that I have planned trips that have made me fly across this great land. I do have to admit that I love where I live: the heat of Arizona, the monsoon rains and the desert landscape. But, every time I travel I am truly amazed by our country. The vast differences between the southwest and the Midwest never cease to amaze me. While in Chicago I saw my first lightening bug, my fiancé sat there and looked at me like I was crazy. But we dont have them here in Arizona, and all I could think of was how fantastic they were, almost like fireworks every time they light up: you never know where the firework is going to be or how bright, but each time you get a little giddy!

I love the 4th of July, and think I have since I was a little girl. It’s the fireworks: creating something out of what looks like nothing, marveling at the colors and always hoping you will see your favorite more then once! I will be lucky enough to see this twice this year, the lightening bugs being the first and the (hopefully) fireworks on the actual 4th of July.

This holiday brings it all home, reminds us of the small things we may take for granted day after day. I am truly grateful to the men and women of the arms services, especially my family and friends, who have made it possible for me to still get a little giddy about fireworks and other little things.